Dear Volunteers!

None of us had ever dreamed that the Alpine Junior World Championships would end like this, but this is obviously an unusual situation for the whole world at present. The decision to cancel by the Municipal Doctor/ Race Doctor, Sverre Håkon Evju was one with which both FIS and I were in 100% agreement. Had we not cancelled, if one person had been infected, or thought to have been infected, there would have been the risk that all participants who had been in contact with this person would have been put in quarantine or isolation in Narvik for 14 days. No one wanted to take this chance.

Most of the teams have been able to rebook their tickets and have now left Narvik. Only a few nations remain. They will travel on Friday or at the latest, Saturday/ Sunday morning.

Still work

We still have a lot to clear up and put in storage. The tents need dismantling and everything needs to be transported down the mountain. Equipment needs to be returned, the race office and the volunteers’ pick up point needs to be cleared. The stages, the sound rig and screen need to be taken down. The ski room needs clearing up. Cars and other vehicles need to be prepared for return etc. There are many volunteers still at work and we are especially grateful for this.

Earlier, we have expressed that we would like to leave our visitors of these championships with the impression that we have been a world-class host. We managed this successfully, 100%. All visitors including athletes, leaders, FIS, volunteers have given us feedback that being with cheerful, helpful and kind ubiquitous “red and blue jackets” has been a fantastic experience. We like this type of feedback. It has been an impressive feat to prepare racing conditions on the slopes that athletes and leaders claim to have been the best they have experienced this season. This can only be attributed to the efforts by our volunteers, with good help from Narvikfjellet’s personnel who have also contributed, over and above and beyond the call of duty. The good conditions also meant that we did not have any serious accidents. Had there been an accident, I think we can safely say that we have never had a more competent medical team in place on the mountain, coordinated with the setup of extra facilities at the hospital.

When we planned the race programme, we were totally sure of one thing, and that was that it would be changed. We experienced this every single day. We were prepared that we had to plan with alternatives A, B and C. However, snow, wind and mild weather challenged us to find alternatives D, E and F, but we managed this with a smile. The crew with the tracked vehicles, the crew on the slopes, the timing group, secretariat, the equipment crew and the crew in the arena solved all of this impressively.

The ceremonies were just as good as and perhaps better than expected. They were very formal, dignified, appropriately brief and with fantastic prizes. The opening ceremony is something no other Alpine Junior World Championships has had or will match. We have also had a lot of praise for this. We had planned events for volunteers, team leaders and sponsors. Unfortunately, we were not able to host any of these, but we can assure you that these were also well planned and would have been a guaranteed success.

The ski room has also worked out well, according to plans. The facility at events like these is usually a tent, so at this event, the service personnel from different countries and the ski factories have had working conditions, which were unusually good for them. Narvik High School’s pupils studying Carpentry built 43 units for us so that each nation could have their own unit.

The logistics group also made impressive efforts. They have staffed the ski room from 06.00 in the morning to 01:00 at night every day, staffed the parking areas and carried out several transport tasks.

The planning of activities in the food tent did not go quite as expected. Adapting to changes in the race programme and the weather posed challenges. From really early in the morning, the tent was manned by cheerful and service-minded staff who made and served breakfast and sandwiches. The tent was also used as a place to drink coffee and a place for athletes and volunteers to warm themselves. Feedback received about the food that has been served in the tent has been outstanding. Those who are vegans, vegetarians, Muslims and those who do not like other food than they are used to, have given feedback that the alternatives we had on offer, meant that they had something good to eat every day. In general, people thought that the food tasted good.

It is probably just as well that we have not calculated the total amount of hours that have been put in regarding preparation, execution and work afterwards. It would be doubtful that we would go for arranging new, large and important events, had we had a full overview over this. The number of hours put in is enormous, but as long as we all had fun, we think that it will be easy to recruit volunteers next time.

The group that has organised, staffed the race office, and set up the team captains’ meetings have had their hands full each day. Many of them have also had a lot of work to do in advance, prior to the arrival of athletes and leaders: invitations, agreements with hotels, allocation of hotels to the nations etc. An impressive amount of work has been put in here. It has been important to be decisive when it comes to a demanding or spoilt team leader expecting his/ her own room. However, the team has done well and all nations have given excellent feedback regarding the way they have been received by the cheerful blue-jacketed personnel at the race office. This is despite the negative response they may have had to their demand for a single room.

We have had around 70 volunteers who have needed accommodation during the championships. This has been resolved in an outstanding manner with the loan of different flats and houses in town. The work that’s been done in association with the volunteers: reception at the Volunteer Centre, clothing, organising food, transport and general information has been admirable and executed fabulously. Clothing is always a challenge in relation to such an event. Because of earlier experience, we tried to have stricter criteria and we hope that everybody who feels that they deserved a jacket has received one.

We have had our own team working with social media in advance of and during the championships. We have seen all the fantastic pictures and videos that have been published under the event. These will be actively used in the future in work to acquire new and larger competitions for Narvik. First and foremost, work now involves clearing up and putting all equipment back in place. At the same time, we will work with the accounts and conclusions around this. We both hope and believe that the accounts will balance. Many businesses have contributed with both money and equipment. Those who have worked with this in advance have done an especially important job for this to be a success.

We will use our time well to evaluate the whole process around the championships, which began a year and a half ago lasting until completion and clearing up. It is important that we get to know of both good and bad experiences from the whole process in order to make things easier and more effective for the next event. We therefore wish for feedback from each of you with regard to suggestions for improvement. We wish to point out that no feedback is too little. It is the detail that will make us better.

We would really like to have ended the Championships with a fantastic party, but because of the situation we have in the world today, we have chosen to postpone this.

We wish therefore to invite you to a volunteers’ party when things have calmed down. This will be announced in Spond.

We understand that this will be difficult for volunteers from afar, as it is a long way to Narvik. Nevertheless, we hope you will able make the trip. In any case, you are heartily welcome and have been of great help.

It normally takes 3 years to plan an Alpine JWC. We only had half the time, but what has impressed us, is that many volunteers, new to the alpine world,  have done a great job and used both their free time and some time  from work to make this as good as possible. We hope all of the ‘new’ folks will want to help us out again, on the coming occasions that we host a large event.

We hope that no one feels left out here because everyone, absolutely everyone deserves a huge thank you and hug for the enormous efforts that have been put in to make this a success. WE DID IT! Moreover, we should be proud over what we have shown the world. We are now ready for new and bigger challenges in the future and we hope that you will want to contribute then as well.

Thank you ever so much, each and every one of you!!

On behalf of the organization committee

Best regards

Erik Plener


The cancellation: Information to the teams

The Alpine Junior World Championships has come to an abrupt end.

The Championships were officially cancelled Wednesday evening. For participants, this means that:

  • Competitions Thursday to Saturday are cancelled
  • All meetings arranged by Narvik 2020 are cancelled

All participants are encouraged to either try and get home now or take into account all precautions referred to earlier. The ski resort is still open and it will still be possible to train on the slopes for those who wish to do so.

Until the last participant leaves Narvik, we still have available:

  • Participant pack including accommodation, lift pass and food
  • Race Office is open (08:00-20:00, Sunday 08:00-14:00).

Important information: When teams check out, it is important to pass on this information to the Race Office. Teams pay for accommodation only for the days they are here.


Athletes, other participants, visitors and volunteers who during their stay in Narvik

  • experience flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or difficulty breathing OR
  • have recently stayed in areas with ongoing spread of COVID-19. (These areas are currently mainland China, Iran, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan , Tirol in Austria and  Italian regions Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Marche, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Toscana, Umbria og Abruzzo) OR
  • have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19


  • immediately contact their own medical team personnel and the Race Office by phone:  Ann-Hege Lund  , Eva Karina Hansen   Unni Forshaug or Race Doctor  
  • stay in their room at their accommodation site and avoid contact with other people until medical personnel have been consulted

Reminder about measures to help stop viruses like coronavirus spreading

  • wash your hands with soap and water often. Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If tissues are not available, cough or sneeze into your elbow (not your hands).
  • put used tissues in the bin immediately (do not put them back on the table when eating, for example)
  • keep personal contact (like hugging and handshaking) to a minimum. Find alternative ways to show your appreciation! (e.g. a warm elbow)

Face masks play an important role in places like hospitals, but there is very little evidence of benefit for members of the public.

Procedures are in place to follow-up persons who may develop symptoms of disease during the championship.

Cancellation of the remainder of the Alpine Junior World Championships

The Chief Municipal Doctor in Narvik, Sverre Håkon Evju has made the decision to cancel the remainder of the Alpine Junior World Championships.

«We have come to a situation where the number of corona cases has nearly doubled in the space of 24 hours and the virus has attained status as an international pandemic. Even though we have kept to all guidelines, and we are in an area where there is not a single confirmed case of  a person infected by the virus, we have chosen to cancel,» informs Sverre Håkon Evju who is also the Doctor of the Championships.

There are over 300 athletes in the Championships from a total of 40 countries.

«We wish to point out that we are not doing this because we have cases of corona infection. We are doing this precisely because we have no cases of corona infection.», he adds

Erik Plener, leader of the Organisation of the  Alpine Junior World Championships supports the decision.

«It is a wise decision and it is better to be safer than sorry. It is better to cancel while the athletes still have the possibility of travelling home – rather than having 500 people in quarantine for 14 days», he adds.


For more information:

Sverre Håkon Evju

The Chief Municipal Doctor in Narvik

Erik Plener

Leader of the Organisation of the  Alpine Junior World Championships

Swedish victory

Sara Rask from Sweden won the gold medal in Giant Slalom.

The Swedish 19-year old was fastest in the first run. In the second run Nesa Dvornik from Slovenia had a fantastic run. But the lead was too big – ans Rask won by 0,48 seconds.

Finally also Norway won their first medal. Kaja Norbye (20) was second after the first run, but after two runs she was 0.62 seconds behind Sara Rask.

All results:


The closing ceremony is cancelled

The junior world ski championships are taking several new measures in accordance with the new guidelines on the corona virus.

On Tuesday evening Narvik Municipality decided to recommend the cancellation of all major indoor events in Narvik. In addition, the municipality wants the junior world ski championships to proceed without spectators.

“School classes and large groups will therefore not be in the mountain today to watch the race. However, those who have travelled here to follow the races can still watch. We recommend that big groups do not stand close together. It is a big mountain and there is enough space,” says the chief municipal medical doctor and the medic in charge at the junior world ski championships, Sverre Håkon Evju.

The junior world ski championships is also taking the following measures:

– The closing ceremony on Saturday is cancelled
– The big closing party on Saturday is cancelled
– The volunteer event with food and drink on Thursday is cancelled
– The prize ceremony on Saturday is moved from the town centre up to the ski run – straight after the race
– The captains’ meeting is expanding its capacity so that the team leaders do not need to stand so close to each other.

The prize ceremony on Thursday will go ahead as planned in the town centre – however we encourage people to watch it live on our stream.

Corona-virus: Narvik 2020 continues – without spectators

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health made new recommendations in connection with coronavirus. The municipality of Narvik has decided

  • Public events with over 500 participants involved are canceled.
  • Public events with between 100 and 500 participants must be risk assessed by the organizer and approved by the municipality.

The FIS Alpine Junior World Ski Championship can continue as planned as it is an outdoor event, but without spectators.

We will be back with more information early wedensday morning.

Important correction of the headlines regarding the departure of two athletes at the Junior World Championships in Narvik

“Two athletes have left the FIS Alpine Junior World Ski Championship to go in corona quarantine”

The facts

  • No one is in quarantine
  • No athletes have left the Championships
  • No cases of coronavirus in the region of Narvik

Two trainers departed from Narvik, as planned, following the completion of the speed events.

Correct procedure was followed, but there has been a misunderstanding.

We would like to express our deepest apologies to the Austrian Ski Team and Federation.

Read more

Alpine Combined cancelled

After today’s Jury inspection the AC Men is cancelled.
The next event will be Giant Slalom for women Wednesday.


The queen of Narvik

Magdalena Egger started by winning downhill Saturday. Went on winning gold in Super-G Sunday. And in Alpine Combined no one was even close – and she went for her third gold in a row.

The silver went to team mate Lisa Grill. She came in 053 seconds behind Magdalena Egger. No doubt who is queen and who is princess of the World Junior Ski Championships.

Third place Keely Cashman (USA) was 1,10 seconds behind the fantastic Magdalena Egger. – I can’t belive this. None of my former results indicated three gold medals, Egger says.

And best of all. It can be more to come. She has three more chances. – I´m having the time of my life. Only looking forward to the rest of the championship, she says.

All results:


Coronavirus situation in Norway Important information regarding coronavirus!

Updated  10.03.2020  Corona virus situation

Important information regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for athletes, other participants, volunteers and visitors to the FIS Alpine Junior World Ski Championships – Narvik 2020

The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in many parts of the world makes it necessary to raise the awareness of this disease and the possibility of developing symptoms and spread of the virus during the JWSC in Narvik.  As of the 9th March 2020, a total of 169 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Norway, and no one has yet been seriously ill. Nearly all cases are associated with travelling to strongly affected areas, mainly the north of Italy.

We still have 0 cases in our municipality and 2 in our county.

Athletes, other participants, visitors and volunteers who during their stay in Narvik

  • experience flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or difficulty breathing OR
  • have recently stayed in areas with ongoing spread of COVID-19. (These areas are currently mainland China, Iran, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan , Tirol in Austria and  Italian regions   Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Marche, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Toscana, Umbria og Abruzzo) OR
  • have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19


  • immediately contact their own medical team personnel and the Race Office by phone:  Ann-Hege Lund  , Eva Karina Hansen   Unni Forshaug or Race Doctor  
  • stay in their room at their accommodation site and avoid contact with other people until medical personnel have been consulted

Reminder about measures to help stop viruses like coronavirus spreading

During the championships, everyone should take measures to help stop viruses like coronavirus spreading:

  • wash your hands with soap and water often. Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If tissues are not available, cough or sneeze into your elbow (not your hands).
  • put used tissues in the bin immediately (do not put them back on the table when eating, for example)
  • keep personal contact (like hugging and handshaking) to a minimum. Find alternative ways to show your appreciation! (e.g. a warm elbow)

Face masks play an important role in places like hospitals, but there is very little evidence of benefit for members of the public.

Procedures are in place to follow-up persons who may develop symptoms of disease during the championship.

For more information about coronavirus go to the website of Norwgian Institute of Public Health, NIPH (FHI)

Follow the link to our Medical Guide


Monday 9th March 2020

Sverre Håkon Evju, Race Doctor